Hygiene, Workplace Security and Environment Policy
We are aware of our role in the environment where we operate, including water, soil and other natural resources. Therefore, our environmental policy aims to propose comprehensive guidelines on these issues.
Sustainability Policy
Is the integration of our organization goals to create and distribute economic, social and environmental value among Rotoplas and its stakeholders to ensure present benefits without compromising our capability to generate and distribute results for the upcoming generations.
Strategy definition
and update
Operation of the
Sustainability Committee

Human Rights Policy
It stablishes the necessary principles for the promotion of the Human Rights of the various groups that are related with our operations, regardless of their labor relationship. The policy also states a non-discrimination approach on our hiring processes, in order to include people that collaborate on creating and distributing economic, social and environmental value.

Sustainable Purchases Policy
Through this policy, we establish the requirements in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) matters for the suppliers that shape Grupo Rotoplas’ supply chain, in order to promote the best practices and a performance that is aligned with our values.
Sustainable Procurement
Institutional Relations Policy
Through this policy, we seek to lay the foundations to develop a solid relationship network with the key agents of our Stakeholders (SH), with the purpose of facilitating the proper development of the businesses, a proactive management of risks and opportunities, contributing to the sustainable development of the environment and consolidating the reputation of the company.

Anticorruption Policy
The document establishes the necessary principles and guidelines on anti-corruption practices, including the prevention and action on bribery, extortion, accounting fraud, conflicts of interest and any related practice that implies a breach of the legislation, referring to Grupo Rotoplas’ employees and third parties acting on behalf of the company.
Climate Change Policy
Establishes Rotoplas Group's position on climate change, including guidelines to reduce the negative contribution from its operating processes and its value chain, as well as maximizing the positive contribution of the solutions it offers to different users in order to better adapt to climate effects on water supply and quality.

Diversity Policy
Promotes equal treatment, respect for diversity and coexistence, as well as the inclusion of vulnerable groups. It guides the way in which we proceed during the selection and incorporation of new collaborators, the internal promotion, the remunerations and benefits assignation, and the daily relationship within teams. Rotoplas also seeks to recognize diversity as a strength, allowing it to attract new ideas and perspectives.
As a result of our commitment with our products and services, we pursuit the complete satisfaction of our customers and users. We operate in accordance with our Quality Policy by delivering a comprehensive portfolio that offers a maximum warrantee that addresses the various norms and certifications of the countries where we operate.