Rotoplas present in the first encounter of Water Culture
Rotoplas was part of the First State Encounter of Water Culture that presents projects that seek to transform in a positive way the communities with the care and use of water.

The mission of Rotoplas is to bring more and better water to people through the development of storage, conduction purification and treatment solutions that allow to improve the life quality of the population, the quantity and quality of this resource.

Therefore, it’s fundamental for the company to support initiatives that positively transforms the environment of the communities where it operates and, most of all, generate awareness of the use and exploitation of the vital liquid.

On June 28th, Grupo Rotoplas was part of the First State Encounter of Water Culture held in Naucalpan and was organized by the Organismos Operadores de Agua Potable Alcantarillado y Saneamiento del Estado de México (OAPAS).

In the presence of more than 300 primary and secondary students, the participation of Rotoplas in this event with the workshop “Let’s take care of the future of the water today”, with the attendance of state and federal authorities, as well of civil associations and specialized dependencies in the use of the resource.

Among the presented projects stood out: ecological bicycles by Probosque, hydrological watershed games by Metepec, control of batteries in water and drinking water with new technology by Rotoplas.

There was also a hydrological dome and a laboratory by Conagua where different games ad dynamics with paper, clay and other materials in order to create awareness about saving and proper use of water.

To the encounter attended municipal representatives of Tecámac, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Tepotzotlán, Toluca, Metepec and Atizapán de Zaragoza, also in the presence of the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat), la Comisión Nacional del Agua, (Conagua), la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento (ANEAS) y el Instituto Mexicano para la Tecnología del Agua (IMTA).

In the conferences, subjects such as “Lack of drinking water in marginalized areas of the State of Mexico, the technology for pumping drinking water and the contamination of aquifers” were addressed. Generating awareness in the care of water is one of  the main pillars of the Corporate Social Responsibility actions of Grupo Rotoplas.