Know more about our hiring practices & results during 2020

Know more about our hiring practices & results during 2020

Are you interested in working with us? What process do we follow when we are scouting for talent? Know more about our hiring practices over the next article.

As we fulfill our purpose, which is “for people to have more and better water”, we believe that we are as big as those people who are part of the Rotoplas team. It is our collaborators who push the organization towards new challenges while helping Rotoplas to achieve a bigger impact to the communities we serve and clients that trust on us through our products and services portfolio.

Thus, a talent-driven approach is essential for us. In this regard, we have a two-pillar approach with our internal and external talent.

For our internal talent, those who area already in the organization, we believe in growing them, by offering several tools for their fulfillment. We provide training, personalized development plans, mentorship opportunities and a flexible learning model that helps them tackle new challenges.

Our internal talent is the first pool where we scout for options for our open roles, Consequently, during 2020, 86 positions were filled with internal talent and 36 employees were promoted, meaning 15% of our total hires. This is a relevant pathway for Rotoplas, as we are convinced that we grow as a company at the same time as we grow those who are part of it.

For those positions that cannot be filled through internal talent, we look outside. We do so through a series of tools: we post vacancies on our social networks, in employment portals, through a series of job-search partners, and even through a referral program where our employees may submit their candidate suggestions. Along these activities, we run Artificial Intelligence tools to find talent faster and with more assertiveness.

With these mechanisms, we ensure on providing opportunities and finding the right candidates for the roles. Over 2020, we hired more than 700 Full Time Employees:

Concept 2017 2018 2019 2020
Total employee hires 1,210 1,691 1,067 763
% roles filled with internal personnel 24 21 22.4 15

If you want to review our open positions, we invite you to check our LinkedIn profile and our corporate website: Additionally, you can learn more about our sustainability practices in

Promotion of human rights at Rotoplas

In the context of the Covid-19 health emergency, Grupo Rotoplas reaffirms its commitment to the promotion, observance and respect for human rights.

Promoción de los derechos humanos en Rotoplas

Ante el contexto por la emergencia sanitaria por Covid-19, Grupo Rotoplas refrenda compromiso en promoción, observancia y respeto de los Derechos Humanos.

Rotoplas participa por primera vez en el cuestionario de Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) y obtiene B como calificación

Rotoplas participa por primera vez en el cuestionario de Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) y obtiene B como calificación

Rotoplas mantiene su compromiso con el medio ambiente, progresando en sus esfuerzos en combatir el cambio climático y de mejorar la transparencia de su desempeño ambiental.

Dentro de la línea de su Estrategia de Cambio Climático, Rotoplas participa por primera vez en el cuestionario CDP, organización sin fines de lucro que evalúa el impacto ambiental buscando el progreso hacia la gestión ambiental y mejorar así continuamente la gobernanza climática.

En 2020, más de 9,600 empresas divulgaron información climática que permite a las empresas mejorar su desempeño en medición, gestión, comunicación y, con mayor relevancia, reducir sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Es importante mencionar que CDP es una herramienta importante a nivel mundial de divulgación de información climática, muestra de ello es que este año, 515 inversionistas solicitaron a miles de empresas que divulgaran sus datos ambientales a través de CDP.

El cuestionario emite una calificación mediante un benchmark que permite colocar a la empresa en una escala de máximo A y mínimo D, en donde la B, corresponde a un nivel de Gestión de cambio climático. Rotoplas obtuvo la calificación B, colocándose por arriba del promedio de la región y sector industrial con un promedio de D y de C, respectivamente.

Se trata de un paso importante ante el cual, se obtiene una retroalimentación del desempeño y acciones a tomar para evolucionar a un liderazgo climático.

Rotoplas participates for the first time in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire and obtains a B grade

Rotoplas participates for the first time in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire and obtains a B grade.

Rotoplas maintains its commitment with the environment, making progress in its efforts to combat climate change and improve the transparency of its environmental performance.

In line with its Climate Change Strategy, Rotoplas participates for the first time in the CDP questionnaire, a non-profit organization that assesses environmental carbon impacts and strategies by seeking progress in companies and cities towards environmental management and continuously improving climate governance.

In 2020, more than 9,600 companies disclosed climate information that allows companies to improve their performance in measurement, management, communication and, more importantly, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. It is important to mention that CDP is an important global tool for the disclosure of climate information, as shown by the fact that this year, 515 investors requested thousands of companies to disclose their environmental data through CDP.

The questionnaire issues a grade through a benchmark that allows placing the company on a scale of maximum A and minimum D, where B corresponds to a level of Climate Change Management. Rotoplas obtained a B grade, placing it above the average for the region and industrial sector with an average of D and C, respectively.

This is an important step towards obtaining feedback on performance and actions to be taken to evolve towards climate leadership.