Sustainability Strategy

Our Sustainability Strategy is conceived as a flow triggered by innovation and materializing with our team through the business models that we continue to develop, the operations that foster an ongoing improvement of our processes, and the solutions that constantly serve customers’ and user’s water and sanitation needs.

As a result of the innovation we enhance and accelerate, we are responsible of a series of impacts in the triple bottom line of sustainability: economic, social and environmental, in which outstands the access to water, sanitation and hygiene; the strengthening off a water protection culture among the society, and the contribution towards warranting availability of the resource.

Four large focal points in which we prioritize our actions arise from our understanding of value generation: Corporate Sustainability Governance, Collaborative innovation with purpose, Driving economic and social development, and Safeguarding water as a resource for the future. Each focal point comprises a series of lines of action, which set the guidelines of our performance and the creation of the Model Implementation Plan, which we are currently developing.

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Lines of Action

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

360° Stakeholder Impact


  • Structural and operational strength
  • Culture of ethics and compliance
  • Integrity in the value chain


  • Digitalization and omnichannel
  • Development of distributors and plumbers


  • Lifecycle-focused management
  • Sustainable sourcing
  • Operational efciency
  • Climate commitment


  • Customer environmental footprint
  • Water culture
  • Participation of the public agenda


  • User experience
  • Alliances for access
  • Social advancement


  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Growth
  • Health, safety and wellbeing


  • Good health and well-being


  • Reduced inequalities


  • Quality education


  • Responsible consumption and production


  • Gender equality


  • Climate action


  • Clean water and sanitation


  • Peace, justice, and strong institutions


  • Decent work and economic growth


  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
360° Stakeholder Impact
Our diversity is our strength A key factor for our success is the diversity of our teams and the people that compose them. Through this article, we provide a quick view of our diverse workforce. At Rotop...
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In the context of the Covid-19 health emergency, Grupo Rotoplas reaffirms its commitment to the promotion, observance and respect for human rights.                 ...
Rotoplas participates for the first time in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire and obtains a B grade. Rotoplas maintains its commitment with the environment, making progress in its efforts to combat climate change...
Rotoplas makes public manual for construction of hand-washing stations To collaborate in the face of the health crisis caused by the COVID-19, Rotoplas creates and publicly shares a hand-washing station manual. With this instru...
Rotoplas ratifies its commitment to gender equality Rotoplas Group, in accordance with its values and culture, has established as priorities the following initiatives to contribute to the welfare of society in general, endorsin...
Rotoplas Project for Social Impact, selected for the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit The “Innovation 4 Water Impact” platform proposed by the Rotoplas team, was selected for the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit. ...