Rotoplas Project for Social Impact, selected for the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit

Rotoplas Project for Social Impact, selected for the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit

The “Innovation 4 Water Impact” platform proposed by the Rotoplas team, was selected for the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit.

After competing with 13 applicant companies, Rotoplas was selected as the sole representative of Mexico for the UN Global Leaders Summit, which aims to bring together decision makers so that through working sessions, workshops and meetings, companies can contribute to the resilience of communities to face three global crises: health, inequality and climate.

The project was presented during the SDG Futures Lab sessions, where Rotoplas participated along with projects from the US, UK, Brazil, Denmark, Lebanon, South Africa, Turkey, Bangladesh and Ukraine.

Through this Innovation Hub or platform called “Innovation 4 Water Impact”, Rotoplas seeks to link the actors of the innovation ecosystem in solutions that contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), as well as Innovation (SDG 9), Ending Poverty (SDG 1), Health (SDG 3), Education (SDG 4), Gender Equality (SDG 5), and Reduction of Inequalities (SDG 10). All of this from an approach aligned with the company’s mission, that people have more and better water.

The purpose of the platform is to connect ideas, proposals and needs with water solutions that will allow transforming the reality of water and sanitation in Latin America. In the platform, challenges are launched for community impact projects (donations or co-investment), validation of technologies, prototypes, business ideas, among others. The platform evaluates the proposals received to trigger community impact that will solve the water needs that cause semi-urban and rural inequalities. From collaborative schemes that promote impact projects, Rotoplas recognizes that it can contribute to the water needs at the base of the pyramid.

On June 15, 2020, the first call for the submission of projects “Agua x nosotros” was released, focusing on projects that solve the three categories identified by Rotoplas:

  1. Water Basic Availability
  2. Water reduce, reuse and recycle
  3. Integrated in-household solution

We invite you to participate in the call in the following link:

In this way, through the detection of innovative ideas to solve social problems related to water, Rotoplas seeks to innovate in order to generate an impact on its environment.

Products and services that enhance climate change resillience

Products and services that enhance climate change resillience

Through our portfolio of solutions, we enable our stockholders to become more resilient to the effects of climate change.

In 2020, the World Economic Forum declared that the five most pressing global risks are related to climate change. Similarly, climate change impacts on variations in rainfall and on the availability of freshwater resources for human consumption.

Rotoplas is working on its Climate Change Strategy, through which it helps its stakeholders to mitigate and adapt to the risks derived from climate change. As one of the actions of this Strategy, we have identified which of our products and services help boost the resilience of our end-users, presented in the following table:

Download report:


Productos y servicios con impacto positivo ante fenómenos climáticos

Productos y servicios con impacto positivo ante fenómenos climáticos

A través de nuestro portafolio de soluciones, favorecemos la resiliencia de las personas, empresas y comunidades ante los efectos del cambio climático.

En 2020, el Foro económico mundial declaró que los 5 riesgos más apremiantes a nivel global están relacionados con el cambio climático. De igual manera, el cambio climático impacta en las variaciones de la precipitación pluvial y en los recursos de agua dulce disponibles para el consumo humano.

Rotoplas está trabajando en su Estrategia de Cambio Climático, a través de la cual ayuda a sus grupos de interés, a mitigar y adaptarse a los riesgos derivados del cambio climático. Como una de las acciones de esta Estrategia, hemos identificado cuáles de nuestros productos y servicios ayudan a incrementar la resiliencia de nuestros usuarios finales, presentados en la siguiente tabla:

Descargar informe:


Rotoplas presents its Climate Change Strategy

Rotoplas presents its Climate Change Strategy

In Rotoplas, we know that climate change poses a challenge that can only be solved through the coordination of numerous players.

Therefore, we have taken on the task of understanding how Rotoplas can become a part of the solution, given our corporate purpose. The result of this process, is our Climate Change Strategy, which is derived from our Sustainability Strategy. It aims to positively impact our various stakeholders by generating and capturing climate value, always putting users at the center.

This is our identification of stakeholders, to whom we seek to provide greater resilience in the face of climate change:

If you want to read more in detail about our climate value proposition for each of our stakeholders download the link here:

Rotoplas presenta su Estrategia de Cambio Climático

Rotoplas presenta su Estrategia de Cambio Climático

En Rotoplas, sabemos que el cambio climático plantea retos que sólo pueden ser resueltos mediante la coordinación de múltiples actores.

En Rotoplas, sabemos que el cambio climático plantea retos que sólo pueden ser resueltos mediante la coordinación de múltiples actores.

Dentro de lo que nos corresponde, nos dimos a la tarea de entender cómo Rotoplas puede ser parte de la solución a partir de nuestro propósito corporativo. El resultado de este ejercicio, es nuestra Estrategia de Cambio Climático, que se desprende de nuestra Estrategia de Sustentabilidad.
Tiene el objetivo de impactar positivamente a nuestros distintos grupos de interés generando y capturando valor climático, poniendo siempre al usuario al centro.
Esta es nuestra identificación de grupos de interés, a los que buscamos proporcionarles una mayor resiliencia ante el cambio climático:

Si quieres leer más a detalle sobre nuestra propuesta de valor para cada uno de nuestros grupos de interés descarga el link aquí: