Rotoplas mejora 54 posiciones en el Ranking 2018: 500 empresas frente a la corrupción

Rotoplas mejora 54 posiciones en el Ranking 2018: 500 empresas frente a la corrupción
En línea con el foco 1 de la Estrategia de Sustentabilidad de Rotoplas: Institucionalización y gobernabilidad en sustentabilidad, Grupo Rotoplas se ha ubicado dentro del ranking 2018: 500 empresas frente a la corrupción por parte de la revista Expansión.

Anualmente, Expansión realiza un estudio a partir de información pública en los sitios de internet de cada empresa. Adicionalmente evalúa a las empresas mediante un cuestionario basado en la publicidad de las políticas anticorrupción en alineación con  la Transparencia de la Información Corporativa (TRAC, por sus siglas en inglés) de Transparencia Internacional.

En el cuestionario se analizaron 28 preguntas agrupadas en cuatro ejes: (1) Publicidad de los elementos de una política anticorrupción integral; (2) Alcance y socialización de la política anticorrupción; (3) Sistema de monitoreo, denuncia y sanciones; y (4) Accesibilidad de la información.

En dicha evaluación Rotoplas obtuvo el lugar 262, mejorando 54 posiciones con respecto al año anterior. Entendemos que hemos mejorado la transparencia de nuestras políticas anticorrupción con respecto al año anterior, pero todavía queda mucho camino por recorrer.

Es así como Grupo Rotoplas ve reflejado su esfuerzo en la estrategia de sustentabilidad mediante el reconocimiento externo y continúa colaborando en la mejora continua de su reputación y la disponibilidad de su información siendo una empresa pública.

Te invitamos a conocer otros proyectos en nuestro sitio web de sustentabilidad

Grupo Rotoplas utiliza energía solar en 5 plantas

Grupo Rotoplas utiliza energía solar en 5 plantas
En línea con el foco 2 de la Estrategia de Sustentabilidad de Rotoplas: Innovación Colaborativa con Sentido, y del énfasis en la eficiencia operacional, Grupo Rotoplas desarrolla proyectos que incorporan energías renovables en los procesos productivos de la empresa.

Con este tipo de iniciativas, se evita la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y se disminuye la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, los cuales no son renovables.

En este enfoque, Grupo Rotoplas ha impulsado la instalación de 5, 832 paneles en sus plantas ubicadas en Mochis, Veracruz, Mérida, Guadalajara y Anáhuac. Del total de paneles, 1,749 paneles han sido instalados en los techos de dichas plantas y 4,083 paneles instalados en techos terceros. En conjunto, se alcanza una capacidad de generación total de 2,204 kW. Permitiendo un ahorro energético anual de 3,640 kW.

Mediante este proyecto se obtendrían 2,141,176 Certificados de energía limpia (CEL´s) los cuales pueden ser vendidos a otros usuarios, como bonos de carbono a fin de solventar los impactos generados por los modelos convencionales de producción.

El proyecto tendrá una duración de 30 años. Iniciando la instalación de los paneles en el mes de abril de 2018. Actualmente el proyecto sigue en desarrollo y se está generando la consecución de la interconexión con CFE para que los paneles propios que ya están conectados comiencen a funcionar.

Del mismo modo, estos paneles complementan la adquisición de energía limpia, que actualmente realiza la compañía. Estos proyectos consideran datos como cantidad de energía solar captada y las redes de distribución energética para definir las mejores iniciativas de abastecimiento eléctrico. Con ello, fortalecemos nuestro comportamiento empresarial responsable con el entorno.

Es así como Grupo Rotoplas continúa colaborando en la mejora continua del impacto ambiental de sus operaciones, en línea con los acuerdos generados a partir de la Conferencia de París sobre el Clima (COP21) que buscan reducir las emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero.

Te invitamos a conocer otros proyectos en nuestro sitio web de sustentabilidad

Rotoplas Group uses solar energy in 5 of its production plants

Rotoplas Group uses solar energy in 5 of its production plants
In alignment with the focal point 2 of the sustainability strategy of Rotoplas: Collaborative innovation with purpose, and emphasizing operational efficiency, Rotoplas Group develops projects that incorporate renewable energies in the productive processes of the company.

With this type of initiatives, we avoid the emission of greenhouse gases and diminish the dependence in fossil fuels, which aren´t renewable.

With this focus, Rotoplas Group has impulse the installation of 5,832 solar panels in its plants located in Mochis, Veracruz, Mérida, Guadalajara and Anáhuac. From the total of panels, 1,749 have been installed in the roofs of such plants and 4,083 panels have been installed in tertiary roofs. In joint, we have reached a total generating capacity of 2,294 kW. Allowing annual energetic savings of 3,640 kW.

With this Project, we will obtain 2,141,176 clean energy certificates (CEC’s) which can be sold to other users as carbon bonuses, to solve the impacts generated by the conventional models of production.

The Project will have a duration of 30 years. Starting with the installation of the panels in the month of April 2019. Nowadays the project is still in development and the interconnection with CFE is being generated to allow the own panels that are already connected to start working.

In the same way, these panels complement the acquisition of clean energy of the Company. This project considers data such as quantity of solar energy caught and the networks of energetic distribution to define better initiatives of electrical supply. By this, we strengthen our business behavior by being responsible with the environment.

This is how Rotoplas Group continues to collaborate in the continuous improvement of the environmental impact of its operations, in alignment with the generated agreements that took place on the Paris Climate Conference (COP21), which seek to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.

We invite you to learn more about other projects in our sustainability website

Rotoplas creates a community model for water bodies cleanup

Rotoplas creates a community model for water bodies cleanup
In collaboration with Rotoplas volunteers’ neighbors of Mexico City and the Civil Society, Rotoplas has created a model that can be replicable that deals with environmental and social intervention for the sustainability of the water bodies in the cities.

Derived from the fourth focus of our sustainability model named “Safeguarding water as a resource for the future”, Grupo Rotoplas organized the first volunteer activity related to cleaning water bodies. Grupo Rotoplas went to the Barranca de Tarango for the cleaning of the Puerta Grande river.

Dicha barranca, y el río que la recorre, están ubicados en el poniente de la Ciudad de México. Juntos, son un área natural cuya extensión es equiparable a la primera sección del bosque de Chapultepec, midiendo más de 267 hectáreas. En 2009 fue declarada Área de Valor Ambiental (AVA).

The Barranca de Tarango and the river that flows through it, are in the west of Mexico City. This natural area is equivalent in extension to the first section of the Chapultepec forest that covers around 267 hectares. In 2009 it was declared Area of Environmental Value.

In despite of their importance the Barranca de Tarango and the river have become a garbage dump. Thus, in collaboration with Ectagono, Rotoplas organized an intervention to revitalize the rivers in various steps and to change the relation of the surrounding communities (La Milagrosa and El Ruedo) with their natural environment.

Through the cleaning sessions various Rotoplas collaborators came to the rescue, principally the ones that work in Rotoplas operations of the valley of Mexico: Planta Anáhuac, Sytesa, Lerma Plant & Services.

In the first session of the volunteering, the cleaning was developed in collaboration with the neighbors of the community with around 40 Rotoplas collaborators. Arriving to Tarango, the collaborators of Ectagono received the volunteers to introduced them to the community, the river and the importance of the activities in development. Once the indications and the materials where received, teams were formed to start working. In the residues that were recollected, we found cloth, tires, mattresses, plastic, and food covers which weighted around 1.8 tons of garbage.

The second day of cleaning was planned to let the participants experience the biodiversity of the environment, in this day 20 Rotoplas collaborators came with the surprise that the number of the community volunteers have increased motivated by the spirit of transforming their community in a positive way.

Before starting with the activities, the community leader, Silvia Bautista, talked about living there in the old times when the river was clean, and the children could go there and play safely and how nowadays they are getting used to the garbage emphasizing in how to recover the river.

The principal reason of the pollution of the river is because the Tarango neighbors have to go up on a stair with 205 steps to get to the garbage containers, so the majority throws away their garbage from their houses to the river.  By the end of the cleaning activities, summer courses took place with the presence of around 34 children.

The purpose of this courses was to prepare the kids as “guardians” of the community focusing their attention to the importance of taking care of the water bodies, the sustainability concepts, recycling and reusing.

Some of the materials used in the activities with the children were also materials reused that were found in the cleaning of the river.

At the end of the course a visit was programmed to the Papalote Museo del Niño for letting the kids to know the water pavilion to apply the concepts learned in the summer course.

We invite you to know the project, the results (document in spanish), the alignment with the ODS and the impact in the community.

You can get to know about other sustainability initiatives in our web site:

Water consumption and resources optimization in the Grupo Rotoplas facilities in Guatemala

Water consumption and resources optimization in the Grupo Rotoplas facilities in Guatemala
Through an operational efficiency approach and in accomplishment of the Environmental Management Systems of the company, the Guatemala plant has started with the implementation of optimization initiatives for water, resources and enhancing their water culture.

The Guatemala facility has started with various recycling & resource optimization projects, developing 3 principal actions:

Water optimization in the production processes
Water culture


Nowadays, we recycle paper, paperboard, nylon and e-waste. In respect to the recycling of paper we developed initiatives such as the “Day of the order and cleanness” and the implementation of recycling stations located in spaces near our collaboratives. We have recycled more than 800 lbs. of paper and the annual projection is about 700 lbs. The economic earnings of this recycling activities is donated to the foundation “Nature Defenders” which mission is to conserve the economic diversity and culture of important ecosystems in Guatemala, through the sustainable use of natural resources and with the active participation of the community.

Water optimization in the production processes:
In the final phase of rotomolding, we implemented a process that recovers water through the installation of 2 filters (one holds resins, and the other one holds carbon) and a gravel and pomex detainer. This has aloud us to increase the cycles in which we use water, using it between 9 or 10 times, recycling it in 80 %. This recovery project traduces in a total save of 30 cubic meters of water monthly and its bombing energy.