How do we improve the people’s health and contribute to the environment

How do we improve the people’s health and contribute to the environment
With Rotoplas water drinking fountains, we improve people’s health through unlimited access to purified water at a consumption point and contribute to the care of the environment by minimizing the ecological footprint of drinking water.

Mexico is a country with great challenges in terms of adopting healthy habits. We are the country with highest per capita consumption of bottled water in the world 1, which contributes in the generation of 87 thousand tons of garbage daily, of which only 11% is recycled, per the reported information by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI).

The preference for this hydration method its related to the mistrust of the water received through the network supply, due to an outbreak of cholera in the 90s for which the country wasn’t prepared 2, however, it’s an issue that must remain in the past, since today exists technologies that allow us to purify water and consume it with quality. In addition to bottled water, Mexico is the worlds “champion” in the consumption of soda and other high-calorie beverages, per figures of Health Organization. The intake of this type of beverages, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, are the main causes of high obesity levels in the country both in adults (7 out of 10) and in children (1 out of 3), occupying the first global place in childhood obesity 3. To promote the adoption of healthy habits, in Rotoplas we develop integral solution aligned to global initiatives, such as the Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN, whose objectives are channeled to improve people life quality by guaranteeing access to clean water, promoting well-being through a healthy lifestyle and seeking environmental responsibility, among others.

In the quest of fulfill our mission of bringing more and better water to people and worried about the situation of the country, we created the Water Drinking Fountains line. This solution provides drinking water in a consumption point in an unlimited way to users, promoting the water consumption and a healthy lifestyle.

We’ve learned through different studies4 that when there is a Rotoplas Water Drinking Fountain, the water consumption increases 54%, the sugary drinks consumption reduces 34% and the generation of wastes related to bottled water reduces 16%; through the installation of more than 3,800 Water Drinking Fountains distributed in the Mexican Republic, we will benefit more than half a million people, a figure that will continue to increase as we adopt this hydration method in our daily routine.

Learn more of this solution visiting our 2016 Integrated Annual Report or our web:


1 2015 Market Report Findings, International Bottled Water Association (IBWA)
2 Bottled water, the billionaire business that Mexico does not need, Forbes México
3 Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Notrición (ENASUT)
4 Studies conducted by Rotoplas – Inmega (2016)


Rotoplas Mexico is distinguished for the 8th year in a row as a Socially Responsible Company

Rotoplas Mexico is distinguished for the 8th year in a row as a Socially Responsible Company
Obtaining this distinctive once again implies a commitment to continuous improvement, assured Monica Velazquez, Human Resources Director.

In the setting of the XI Latin American Encounter of Socially Responsible Companies 2018, which took place in Mexico City WTC, Rotoplas was distinguished for its public and voluntary commitment to implement a socially responsible management.

Thanks to the work on corporate governance, corporate ethics, environmental commitment, quality life on the company and the strong commitment to support the most vulnerable communities through different social programs, Rotoplas obtained this badge for eighth year in a row.

“This achievement that has led us to be a socially responsible company for eight years in a row demonstrates the company willingness to continue directing our actions to improve the population life quality through innovative water solutions and high technology that enable the sustainability of the environment” said Monica Velazquez, Human Resources Director.


Socially Responsible Company:

  • It promotes a culture of responsible competitiveness that seeks the goals and success of the business, while contributing to the social wellness.
  • It makes public the values, internally and externally fights the corruption practices and acts based on a code of ethics.
  • It lives schemes of participatory leaderships, solidarity, service and respect for human rights and human dignity.
  • It promotes favorable working conditions for life quality, professional and human development of its community (employees, family members, shareholders and suppliers)
  • It respects the ecological environment in every operation and commercialization processes, as well as contributing on the preservation of the environment.
  • It identifies the social necessities of the environment where it operates and collaborates in its solution, promoting the development and improvement of life quality.
  • It identifies and support social casus as part of its business action strategy.
  • It invests time, talent and resources in the development of the communities where it operates.
  • It participates, through intersectoral alliances with other companies, civil organizations, chambers, groups and/or government, in the discussion, proposal and attention to social issues of public interest.
  • It involves its personnel, shareholders and suppliers in its investment and social development programs.

AGUA 17X and 17-2X Sustainable bond report

AGUA 17X and 17-2X Sustainable bond report
Investments in the life cycle of water become more relevant thanks to their benefits in health, environment and socioeconomic development. Therefore, Rotoplas issued in 2017 the first sustainable bond in Latin America.

In the Bond Reference Framework, Rotoplas established that the obtain resources will be used to finance and refinance projects with a tendency to solve problems related to water. In the same document, Rotoplas explains the selection process of projects and key indicators to be measured.

To provide information about the use of resources, Rotoplas communicates the Sustainable Bond Report, 2017, 2018 y 2019.

We invite you to consult the documents.


Rotoplas Peru is distinguished for the first time as a Socially Responsible Company

Rotoplas Peru is distinguished for the first time as a Socially Responsible Company
Rotoplas Peru joins more than 160 Peruvian organizations that have received the badge.

For the first time, in April 2018, Rotoplas Peru received the Socially Responsible Company badge granted by the CEMEFI and 2021 Peru. To obtain this badge, Rotoplas Peru was evaluated in subjects such as Professional Ethic, correct financial management, respectful relations with its concerned parts such as suppliers, clients, employees, community, environmental issues, correct resource management, security management among others.

Through the applied evaluation to receive this badge, the companies strengthen their social responsibility culture and sustainability through an evidence-based evaluation system.

This recognition reflects the policies execution of Rotoplas in the countries where it operates. Also, obtaining this badge reflects the execution of social responsibility initiatives in Rotoplas, through which the company creates and distribute economic, social and environmental value within and out of its operations. A fundamental element in this result is the commitment of Rotoplas Peru employees, who, by living Rotoplas Way, are a constant transformation model that allow us to continue contributing to people having more and better water.

Socially Responsible Company:

• It promotes a culture of responsible competitiveness that seeks the goals and success of the business, while contributing to the social wellness.
• It makes public the values, internally and externally fights the corruption practices and acts based on a code of ethics.
• It lives schemes of participatory leaderships, solidarity, service and respect for human rights and human dignity.
• It promotes favorable working conditions for life quality, professional and human development of its community (employees, family members, shareholders and suppliers).
• It respects the ecological environment in every operation and commercialization processes, as well as contributing on the preservation of the environment.
• It identifies the social necessities of the environment where it operates and collaborates in its solution, promoting the development and improvement of life quality.
• It identifies and support social causes as part of its business action strategy.
• It invests time, talent and resources in the development of the communities where it operates.
• It participates, through intersectoral alliances with other companies, civil organizations, chambers, groups and/or government, in the discussion, proposal and attention to social issues of public interest.
• It involves its personnel, shareholders and suppliers in its investment and social development programs.

Rotoplas present in the first encounter of Water Culture

Rotoplas present in the first encounter of Water Culture
Rotoplas was part of the First State Encounter of Water Culture that presents projects that seek to transform in a positive way the communities with the care and use of water.

The mission of Rotoplas is to bring more and better water to people through the development of storage, conduction purification and treatment solutions that allow to improve the life quality of the population, the quantity and quality of this resource.

Therefore, it’s fundamental for the company to support initiatives that positively transforms the environment of the communities where it operates and, most of all, generate awareness of the use and exploitation of the vital liquid.

On June 28th, Grupo Rotoplas was part of the First State Encounter of Water Culture held in Naucalpan and was organized by the Organismos Operadores de Agua Potable Alcantarillado y Saneamiento del Estado de México (OAPAS).

In the presence of more than 300 primary and secondary students, the participation of Rotoplas in this event with the workshop “Let’s take care of the future of the water today”, with the attendance of state and federal authorities, as well of civil associations and specialized dependencies in the use of the resource.

Among the presented projects stood out: ecological bicycles by Probosque, hydrological watershed games by Metepec, control of batteries in water and drinking water with new technology by Rotoplas.

There was also a hydrological dome and a laboratory by Conagua where different games ad dynamics with paper, clay and other materials in order to create awareness about saving and proper use of water.

To the encounter attended municipal representatives of Tecámac, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Tepotzotlán, Toluca, Metepec and Atizapán de Zaragoza, also in the presence of the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat), la Comisión Nacional del Agua, (Conagua), la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento (ANEAS) y el Instituto Mexicano para la Tecnología del Agua (IMTA).

In the conferences, subjects such as “Lack of drinking water in marginalized areas of the State of Mexico, the technology for pumping drinking water and the contamination of aquifers” were addressed. Generating awareness in the care of water is one of  the main pillars of the Corporate Social Responsibility actions of Grupo Rotoplas.